
(SSR16-016) Samajika Dayitva

1.       TITLE :
“Samajika Dayitva”

2.        MISSION :
·         We aim to encourage young people’s understanding of the environment and of the need for sustainability.
·          A common mistake we make when it comes to environmental issues, and most other issues for that matter, is that we tend to focus all our efforts on shaping behaviours rather than attitudes. “Change an attitude, and the behaviour will follow”.
·         Major current environmental issues include climate change, pollution, environmental degradation, and resource depletion. Hence, was took an example of each with a video and presented to them
·         SSR
·         TEAM CODE: SSR16-016
·         THE  TEAM :
                                                            Anumala Mrudula                      AM.EN.U4CSE14010
                                                                  Kusu Manikanata Venkata Sai  AM.EN.U4CSE14041
                                                                  Indeevar Madapakula                AM.EN.U4CSE14131
                                                                  Kondapi Chandrika                      AM.EN.U4CSE14137      
                                                                Manduva Vinay Chowdary          AM.EN.U4CSE14145

PLACE : Z.P HIGH SCHOOL (Prakasham district)

  • To help people lead a sustainable livelihood by spreading awareness on basic requirements such “POLLUTION CONTROL”, “ECOLOGICAL IMBALANCE”, “YOGA”,
·         To help social groups and individuals acquire awareness and sensitivity towards the environment as a whole, and issues, questions and problems related to environment and development.
·         To help individuals, groups and societies gain a variety of experience in, and acquire a basic understanding of what is required to create and maintain a sustainable environment.
·         To help individuals, groups and societies acquire a set of values and feelings of concern for the environment, and the motivation to actively participate in protection of the environment and the skills for identifying, anticipating, preventing and solving environmental problems.

·         Majority of India still lives in villages and so the topic of rural education in India is of utmost importance. A survey shows that even though the number of rural students attending schools is rising, but more than half of the students in fifth grade are unable to read a second grade text book and are not able to solve simple mathematical problems.
·         Any country’s environmental problems are related to the level of its economic development, the availability of natural resources and the lifestyle of its population. In India, rapid growth of population, poverty, urbanization, industrialization and several related factors are responsible for the rapid degradation of the environment. Environmental problems have become serious in many parts of the country, and hence cannot be ignored.


·         We were able to explain and make them understandclearly about what we are explaining.
·         There were very talented and got so much benifited by us.
·         They were able to understand clearly about what we were explaining till the end of the session.
·         We made them to plant saplings around the school and they did the same at their homes too.
·         As they got to know about Indian army, some of them showed interest to choose it as an option for their career.

Convincing the principal to conduct the awareness programs in their busy schedule and children to attend the awareness session.

Meeting at a particular place and deciding the agenda as everyone live in different parts of the city.

Making children understand how important it is for their future if they continue their education.

As the village is underdeveloped, there was no proper food facility, and we have to stay starved for long hours. But didn’t left in the middle.

At first no one was interested in attending the camp and it was a challenge for us to motivate them.

·         In recent decades government has made significant progress on access to schooling and enrolment rates in primary education but dropout rates and low levels of learning remain challenges for the state and central government. Without immediate and urgent help, these children cannot effectively progress in the education system, and so improving the quality of learning in schools is the next big challenge for both the state and central governments.
·          Making people aware of government’s policies and its steps towards the development of the country. Discussions, case studies, or other interactive methods will bring about more visible change. Discussion forums and blogs can help in planning activities and reaching out to many people. Technology can also foster interactive learning, building videos and hosting a website for the same. Although the use of teaching technology presents challenges, it has the potential to achieve goals.

·         Number of hours-48hrs

·         The main thing we all commonly experienced was how to gives lectures in a crowd. We personally practiced two to three times before delivering the lectures because nothing should go wrong and we should not be blamed. We learnt many new things while preparing for lectures. We memorized our childhood and enjoyed a lot with students and interacted with them in a peaceful manner Since the school is in village, while planting those samplings they showed such a dedication and we observed that they are showing a bit more affection on those saplings.


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